Thursday, August 22, 2013


Zayn and Pierre are engaged. That's so sweet. Pierre's a lucky girl. I mean, look at him, he's good looking, make lots of money, in a boy band, has his girl's face tattooed on him, thick eyebrows, knows how to cover his girl with his jacket. Living every guy's dream. But I hope he quits smoking. 
The second couple I really hope to see them together is Monday Couple. I just can't get enough of Running Man. I feel relaxed every time watching this show. They are hilarious and it's the first time I'm actually attached to Korean stuff. Gary is always caring for Jihyo and they really suit each other. 
And, this is pretty much me since school reopened.
Yup. That's me alright. 
The trials are coming soon and every time some big exam is near, my mind would go wild and start fantasizing about having my own band and my own hit song. Seriously, what's with exam and my future band, it doesn't make any sense. And speaking of exams, well I'm fucked. As usual. I would laze around until the night before the exam and I stress myself to death and end up giving up. Why do I do this to myself. Oh god. And, so my mum's been traveling a lot lately. She was in china few weeks ago and now, she's in KL. I miss her so much and she's not replying my whatsapp. Mummmmm! I'm really hungry...... Need some bacon and stuff. Goodnight. :)